Exam Coaching
Here we learn how an examiner marks an exam paper, what they are looking for and how a mark scheme can be your ticket to understanding exactly what each question is looking for! In addition, we learn what command words mean, what keywords to use for specific subject areas and how to gain maximum marks in each and every question. We can also learn how to “play the exam game” when it comes to maximising your time allowance along with revision techniques, creating study timetables and strategizing your revision time.

*This is all included in my tutoring, but maybe you are confident with the content but struggle to demonstrate that in exam situations.

Careers Coaching
This program is tailored individually to you. We will start by identifying your strengths, weaknesses, what you enjoy, and what you do not enjoy and work together to identify potential career paths. Once you have found some careers you are interested in we will start to look at ways you can achieve your goals, either through further education, volunteering, adult learning or looking at what GCSEs, A levels or University courses will be the most beneficial for you.

Post 16 advice
If you have left school, with or without amazing qualifications, and you want to access further education or find a better job then “Post 16 Advice” is for you. We can work together to help you identify areas you need to work on, alternative access routes into your chosen careers and educational paths that are available to you in your area.

Unlike my other services, this is more of a long-term working relationship. (anything from a month to a few years) – Here we would work together for a while, with regular contact, coaching, advice, mentoring and assistance with all aspects of navigating through school, college, university or the job market. This is for anyone of any age who may need guidance over a longer period.